Wigan and Orrell Archers are a family friendly archery club in Wigan Lancashire, We host world record status competitions and run beginners courses throughout the year for all ability’s, as a club we try and cater for everyone especially the little ones with lots of fun shoots and BBQ’s, Archery is a great outdoor and indoor activity which requires plenty of walking , which is by far the best way of keeping fit while doing something you enjoy, we have a few shooting ranges in wigan area with qualified trained coaches to give you the best start we can, once you start we encourage shooting for awards and badges to achieve a Classification and Handicap.
Shooting competition is a great social event meeting new like minded people while striving to better yourself and build confidence, you can travel as far a field as you like to shoot competitions or just stay local you will be surprised how many there are over the year, so do yourself proud and give it go today
contact via email, secretary@wiganandorrellarchers.club to book a course